Kinds of Information We Gather:

  • Personally Identifiable Information

    • Information we ask from you

      During the course of your visit, you may sign our Guestbook or register. When you do, we ask you for information that can identify you. You can rest assured that we do not share this information with other organizations for any reason. Your email address and telephone number will be visible to other logged-in visitors, but not to spam bots – software that harvests email addresses and other personal information from web sites.

      When a visitor wants to see information in the guestbook he or she will have to register and log in. Registrations are closely monitored; spammers are blocked as much as possible and removed ASAP when they get through.  Although spammers sometimes succeed in completing the guestbook form, they still can’t see the phone and email of others unless they are also logged in.  Registration and login by spammers and hackers is closely guarded by several security measures, including but not limited to the plugins “Akismet” and “Stop Spammers.”

    • Information you share with other visitors

      When you comment on posts or pages, you may engage in conversations with other visitors regarding almost any topic. Any information you share this way is up to you. If you provide information in your comments, remember that it is a public place. Each person must assume responsibility for his or her own actions.

    • Information shared with MailChimp
    • We use MailChimp for our newsletter mailings. The information you provide on our subscripiton forms is transferred to MailChimp for processing in accordance with their Privacy Policy and Terms.


  • Non-Identifiable Information

    We also gather non-identifiable information for the purpose of monitoring the activity on our site as well as for finding ways to improve it. This information takes several forms:

    • Cookies

      Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer so that when you return to our site, the computer can provide you with personalized information. Nothing in a cookie can identify you. It only records information that you provide us when you set preferences or complete a form. No other computer can read the cookies we place on your computer. They do not contain executable or harmful files. Without the use of cookies, most web sites (the really useful ones) will not function.

    • Browser Information

      Our site gathers information from your browser so that it can present our pages in the most readable form. Browsers are not all alike, so when we can tell which browser you’re using, we can give you a better visual or interactive experience. None of the information gathered from your browser is used any other way.

    • Aggregated Statistics

      Our web host helps us gather statistics about the number of visitors and which pages they visit and how long they stay. They can also tell us what web page you came from in order to get to our site. This information is used solely for monitoring site activity and helping to improve your experience.

    • Legal Caveat

      In the unlikely event that a visitor comes under investigation by Law Enforcement Authorities, we may be required to provide any information that can be considered as evidence of illegal behavior.  If that occurs, you will be notified that your information is being requested.

Our information about privacy may change over time, but our respect for your privacy won’t.  However, we can not promise to notify all of our registered users individually in the event of change(s) to these terms.  Any changes will be announced on our site.